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Newest Sunnyvale CA Homes For Sale - Real Estate MLS
Sunnyvale is known as the "Heart of Silicon Valley". The city of Sunnyvale is forty miles south of San Francisco and ten miles north of San Jose. This beautiful community is less than an hour from the beach and only a few hours away from the Sierra Nevada for both winter and summer recreation.
Early on, the area's vast open space and rich soil were ideal for the fruit orchards that helped support the settlement's first residents. Visitors and residents enjoy Sunnyvale's beautiful, clean suburban setting, low crime rate, quality schools, many types of Sunnyvale Real Estate options, and eighteen parks and fifty one tennis courts.
With the construction of the railroad in 1864, the economic base of the area was able to expand, as canneries to process the goods from the surrounding orchards were established near the rail lines. Founded in 1912, Sunnyvale became a charter city in 1949. Plenty of work in the high-tech field is found in Sunnyvale, which has been recognized as one of America's best managed cities.
The City became the core of research, development and manufacturing that made Silicon valley, and that legacy goes on today in the time of the Internet.
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Sunnyvale Real Estate and Homes For Sale - MLS ca
Do you know someone who is looking to move or relocate to Silicon Valley? Call us to view any of the available homes for sale or for help in finding the value of your home. Your Neighborhood Specialist and area expert.
Sunnyvale Real Estate Homes specializes in helping home buyers and sellers make good real estate decisions. Up-to-date MLS listings information, including listing descriptions, photos, school information, maps, statistics, virtual tours and much more. Your Information source for homes and real estate in Sunnyvale, Ca.
Search and Find all Homes on MLS, single family homes (new and resale), townhomes, condominiums and properties for sale, house values and house prices. Properties for Sale in Santa Clara County, California.
You can also search ALL San Jose real estate homes for sale on the mls. Santa Clara County and Silicon Valley Real Estate.
Sunnyvale CA Schools
Public Schools in Sunnyvale, CA
Adair Community Day - 819 West Iowa Ave. (06 - 8) Bishop Elementary - 450 N. Sunnyvale Ave. (KG - 5) Braly Elementary - 675 Gail Ave. (KG - 5) Cherry Chase Elementary - 1138 Heather Stone Way (KG - 5) Columbia Middle - 739 Morse Ave. (06 - 8) Community Day - 589 W. Fremont Ave. (09 - 12) Cumberland Elementary - 824 Cumberland Ave. (KG - 5) Cupertino Middle - 1650 S. Bernardo Ave. (06 - 8) Ellis Elementary - 550 E. Olive Ave. (KG - 5) Fairwood Elementary - 1110 Fairwood Ave. (KG - 5) Fremont High - 1279 Sunnyvale Saratoga (09 - 12) Lakewood Elementary - 750 Lakechime Dr. (KG - 5) Nimitz Elementary - 545 E. Cheyenne Dr. (KG - 6) Peterson Middle - 1380 Rosalia Ave. (06 - 8) Ponderosa Elementary - 804 Ponderosa Ave. (KG - 5) San Miguel Elementary - 777 San Miguel Ave. (KG - 5) Stocklmeir (Louis V.) Elementary - 592 Dunholme Way (KG - 6) Sunnyvale Middle - 1080 Mango Ave. (06 - 8) Vargas Elementary - 1054 Carson Dr. (KG - 5) West Valley Elementary - 1635 Belleville Way (KG - 6)
Private Schools in Sunnyvale, CA
Appleseed Montessori School - 1095 Dunford Way # B (PK - K) Challenger School Sunnyvale Ca - 1185 Hollenbeck Avenue (PK - 8) Community Pre School - 1098 W Remington Drive (PK - K) Darul Hikmah/Silicon Valley Ac - 1095 Dunford Way Blding C (PK - 8) Delor Montessori - 1510 Lewiston Dr (PK - K) Happy Days Cdc - PO Box 2747 (PK - K) Little Rascals Child Care Ctrs - 494 S Bernardo Ave (K - K) Monticello Academy - 1095 Dunford Way (PK - 1) Pacific Autism Center For Education - 572 Dunholme Way (UG - UG) Presbyterian Early Learning Ce - 728 West Fremont Ave (PK - K) Prodigy Child Development Center - 1155 E Arques Avenue (PK - K) Rainbow Montessori - 790 E Duane Ave (K - 6) Resurrection Elementary School - 1395 Hollenbeck Ave (PK - 8) South Peninsula Hebrew Day Sch - 1030 Astoria Drive (PK - 8) St Cyprian School St Martin Elementary School - 597 Central Ave (PK - 8) Stratford School - 1196 Lime Drive (PK - 7) Sunnyvale Christian School - 445 S Mary Ave (PK - 6) The King S Academy - 562 N Britton Avenue (6 - 12) Triumphant Learning Center
Sunnyvale Areas
Sunnyvale ZIP CODES
94085 Real Estate 94086 Real Estate 94087 Real Estate 94088 Real Estate 94089 Real Estate
Sunnyvale Neighborhoods
Birdland Neighbors Real Estate Cherry Orchard Real Estate Gavello Glen Real Estate Heritage District Real Estate Lakewood Real Estate Lowlanders Real Estate Ortega Park Real Estate Panama Park Real Estate
Sunnyvale Neighborhoods
Ponderosa Park Real Estate Raynor Park Real Estate San Miguel Real Estate Snail Real Estate Sunnyarts Real Estate Sunnyvale West Real Estate Wrightmost Corners Real Estate
Sunnyvale Property Types
Sunnyvale Single-Family Homes Sunnyvale Condos Sunnyvale Townhomes Sunnyvale Coops Sunnyvale Apartments Sunnyvale Lofts Sunnyvale Apartments/Condos/Townhomes Sunnyvale Mobile/Manufactured Homes Sunnyvale Farms/Ranches Sunnyvale Lot/Land Sunnyvale Multi-Family Homes Sunnyvale Income/Investment
Sunnyvale Foreclosures Sunnyvale Open Houses Sunnyvale New Homes
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If You are looking for a top Realtor or Real estate agent in Santa Clara County you have come to the right place. Tell us what kind of property you are looking for and an exclusive Sunnyvale Realtor - Agent will review all the latest area home listings to help find the ideal home for you!
Don Orason is a top, expert agent and realtor, specializing in listing, selling and buying newer or older homes. We are also experts in fine, luxury, expensive, million dollar, bank repo, foreclosure and shortsale properties. We will provide all home buyers with any housing needs or assistance. You can do your home search, purchase your dream home for sale and house for sale in Sunnyvale and the surrounding communities.
Homes for Sale in Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County, California Sunnyvale Real Estate Experts Intero Real Estate Services - Silver Creek, 95138 Silicon Valley Real Estate Team Realtor - Agent - Area Expert and Neighborhood Specialist Phone: 408-833-6331
Real Estate Network
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Sunnyvale homes for sale Sunnyvale Real Estate
Sunnyvale Real Estate Experts - Sunnyvale Homes For Sale in Sunnyvale CA MLS Listings - Condo’s Townhomes Foreclosures - Real Estate Agents - Realtors Area Specialists - Experts